Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

University of Alabama Offers PhD Foreign Student Scholarship Positions in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, USA

Study Subject:Wearable sensor development/ Signal processing and pattern recognition
Employer:University of Alabama
Level: PhD
Scholarship Description: The laboratory is engaged in several research projects covering monitoring of human behaviors in natural environment and biofeedback. The positions are available in two tracks:

1. Wearable sensor development. The ideal candidate will have a hands-on experience in design, prototyping and fabrication of digital
and analog electronic circuits, microcontroller interfacing, C/C++ programming, as well as familiarity with Matlab, Labview and digital signal processing.

2. Signal processing and pattern recognition. The ideal candidate will have a practical experience with signal processing algorithms as well
as familiarity with method of machine learning and computational intelligence. Matlab, Labview and C/C+ (or Java) proficiency is desired.

The candidate is expected to be a reliable and self-motivated team player. The assistantship covers a yearly stipend and tuition. These positions may potentially lead to a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Interested candidates should send their CV, TOEFL/IELTS and GRE scores to Dr. Edward Sazonov at

Scholarship Application Deadline: Contact employer

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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