Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

PhD Foreign Student Scholarship in Chemical Physics

Foreign Student Scholarship One important project goal is to simultaneously apply time resolved spectroscopy and X-ray scattering at the same molecular system, to meet both local and global structural dynamics information.Basic entry requirements for PhD studies: a degree at advanced level, courses for visual at least 240 credits, which at least 60 at advanced level, or the appropriate expertise acquired in Sweden or elsewhere.

Foreign Student Scholarship Special requirements for this position: A Master's degree in chemistry or physics. Experience in time resolved spectroscopy of X-ray and they confessed scattering.Only graduate study may be appointed to that position. When appoint applicants for the position, first and foremost their ability to benefit from postgraduate studies should be considered.
Foreign Student Scholarship In addition to pursuing postgraduate studies, doctoral students can also perform other tasks, including research, teaching and administration, in accordance with special regulations.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 01/06/2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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